
20 Questions You Should Never Ask in Class - Image 1

"20 Questions You Should Never Ask In Class" on CollegeHumor.


 Decoding Your Preteen's Facebook Slang: What You Need to Know
Appeared on Splitsider

I am Y.P.R.'s Boring
Appeared in Yankee Pot Roast

Fact or Fiction: Tardigrades
Appeared in The Bygone Bureau

"Ground Rules for the New Roommate" on CollegeHumor

11 Olympic Mascots That Were Obviously Conceived During Acid Trips - Image 1
"11 Olympic Mascots that were Obviously Conceived on Acid Trips" on Jest

Fandom Fan Art: <em />Breaking Bad</em> Mashups – Image 1” /><cite><span class=
"Fandom Fan Art: Breaking Bad Mashups" on Jest

Collection 13 Buildings That Look Like Robots - Image 14
Read it on Jest here

Read it on Jest here
"25 Possible Reasons Why No One is Going to See Your Band" on CollegeHumor

"17 Things Not to Mention When Calling in Sick to Work" on CollegeHumor
"5 Drive-Thru Pranks that Haven't Caught on Yet" on CollegeHumor
"10 Reasons to Cryogenically Freeze Yourself Today!" on CollegeHumor
"The New Strip Club Emcee is Still Finding his Rhythm" on CollegeHumor
Denying a Request to Connect on LinkedIn
Appeared in Thought Catalog

Animals: The Way Of The Future!

Appeared in The Big Jewel

News Groper | These Blogs Are Not Real

Appeared in The Big Jewel

News Groper | These Blogs Are Not Real

3 simple ways to be a happy VP
Appeared in NewsGroper